16 June 2014

Bogan's Rant - With Michael McShane - June 2014

Bogan's Rant - With Michael McShane - June 2014 Bogan's Rant - With Michael McShane - June 2014 Bogan's Rant - With Michael McShane - June 2014

Ladies and Gentleman, Please assume brace positions.

Here's why the person screening your job application could be just as crazy and possessive as your ex.

We've all heard the horror stories. Johno is dating some sheila who thinks that reading his text messages and updating his Facebook for him is a very important form of protection. He's only 30 years old. Clearly he's not capable of making his own decisions. I mean… what was he thinking making friends with that Heather girl. Just because they work together doesn't mean they need to talk to each other.

That wild eyed, not entirely secure in their role, frenzied and partially psychotic bodyguard who keeps herself close and your friends behind a very safe and moderated barbed wire fence.

If you've never dated him or her, then congratulations. You have bloody legendary taste. Drink a beer or two tonight and celebrate some good taste and good luck.

For the rest of you who are hiding under your desk at the flashbacks my descriptions just created, hear me out on the theory that's been keeping me up at night.

Over the past 12 months everybody in the mining industry has become a little less sure about how secure they actually are. As this shift has occurred, I've seen more and more parallels between the crazy ex and the bulldogs and body guards that keep your application from getting through to the people who actually need a bum on a seat.

Now before you slam the theory as the rantings of a mad man, give a couple of companies a call and see if you can spot the difference between a recruitment team who is secure in their roles and one who is unsure of their future. Between a department with strong communication and one with antagonism.

Recruitment is not a mechanical process. It is not an exact science. Inevitably emotion, mood and luck come into play even when they don't have a place to. 

I have given this topic a lot of thought over the past few months but have yet to have that eureka moment. Is there a right or wrong when it comes to working with people who are not secure in their roles? 

The short list of things I can say with certainty is as follows:

  1. Don't take it personally. It's probably not about you, and if it is, it's not your problem anyway.
  2. Ask to speak directly to the person you need to, but in a friendly way. 
  3. Communicate your frustration. If noone knows there's a problem noone can fix it. 
  4. Cutting this person out of the loop will not help your cause. Keep them updated, ask and inform as necessary.
  5. If you are on the otherside of the situation, talk to inform and to draw boundaries. Make sure the person knows what your expectations are.
  6. If this person is you, know that your fear is your failure. If you are doing a good job, there's no reason to be insecure. Have some self confidence. It's the best cure to what ails ya!

I'm not one to give relationship advice. Really couldn't care less. But I do believe that there has to be trust and communication in any relationship. Perosnal or professional. This defensive behaviour can only be seen as a breakdown that needs some serious attention.

Have you encountered this situation before? Email Bogan McShane at bogan@stealthrecruit.com.au 

I'm keen to hear what you have to say. I'd like to do some more digging on this topic soon.

Bogan's Pet Hate - People who fart on planes. We're already in a sardine can. Don't make it worse!!



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