20 April 2015
9 Common Off The Plan Property Myths... Deunked

Buying Off The Plan
9 common off the plan property myths…debunked!
Property is an interesting sector. It attracts lots of different
people with different opinions on all sorts of different
fundamentals and products.
One of the many contentious areas property commentators like to
widely (and loudly) debate is Off The Plan (OTP) apartment
Interestingly, many vocal opponents of OTP products will readily
admit that property is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. What
suits one investor's goals, strategies and circumstances, will not
necessarily align with another's.
But then they reel off lists of problems investors face when
purchasing an OTP development as though this sector of the market
is somehow different than all others, in that it's completely
Of course this couldn't be further from the truth. Like all
other markets within markets, there's the good, the bad and
everything in between when it comes to OTP apartments.
Just as every established, inner city dwelling doesn't make for
a prime piece of real estate with excellent investment potential;
some OTP stock within major city centres won't necessarily net
investors astonishing returns.
As with all other sub-sectors of the housing market however,
there's a lot of quality, investment grade OTP apartment stock to
be found.
Boutique complexes with spacious, light filled floorplans
boasting quality design and architecturally distinct facades are
emerging across popular urban fringe neighbourhoods near our major
city markets.
These are the 'myth buster' apartments that showcase how and why
medium to high-density living is being more widely embraced by both
owner-occupiers and tenants in Australia.
Inspired by this new wave of iconic OTP development, we felt
inclined to do some myth busting of our own. So from the true
experts, immersed in the OTP apartment market every day, here are
nine of our favourites…
Click here to read more