20 April 2015
We’ve accepted the social media challenge!! Join us in getting 2K!
If you are a follower of ours on LinkedIn or a fan on Facebook
you will go into the draw to win a Red Balloon Voucher*
In this ever changing technological day and age, being connected
and communicating online is vastly superseding older traditional
methods of staying in touch. The mining industry and the
recruitment industry are not immune to this shift, allowing us to
use these mediums to keep in contact with all our current and new
candidates and clients.
Recently after discussing our social media presence, we were
challenged to reach 2,000 followers on LinkedIn and 2,000 likes on
Not being one to shy from a challenge and producing great
results (don't tell me something is impossible!), we're asking for
you to join us on our social media (if you haven't already done
so). Follow
our LinkedIn page and Like Us on
You will be kept up to date with all our latest news, jobs,
tips, industry trends and of course our Bogan rant! Keep your
ear to the ground for the next opportunity while you're online,
morning noon and night and help us conquer our latest

* Terms and Conditions:
- Every current and new fan of Stealth Recruitment's
Facebook page and current and new follower of Stealth Recruitment's
LinkedIn page will go in the draw to win the Red Balloon voucher
when both our Facebook page and our LinkedIn page reach 2,000 likes
/ followers each.
- The winner will be drawn randomly at the time our
Facebook page has 2,000 likes AND our LinkedIn page has 2,000
followers and notified by either LinkedIn and / or Facebook (to
obtain address to send prize to)
- To enter simply Follow
our LinkedIn page and Like Us on