20 April 2015
We want to hear from you!
Our newsletter is really all about you, our readers, without
you, it wouldn't exist, there wouldn't be anywhere for Bogan
McShane to rant and the discussions and debates that follow each
newsletter may not be as colourful! Keeping that in mind, we
want to include you in making our newsletter bigger and better!
Tell us what you want!
We want you to get the most out of our newsletter so we're
asking readers to let us know what it is that you want to see in
the newsletter. Thanks to a few people suggesting it, we've
included a new commodities pricing page with graphs outlining
trends for Gold, Nickel and Coal in this edition.
Is there something specific that you would like to see regularly
in our newsletter? Let us know and we'll look at including it
in, just email your suggestion to Michael: michael@stealthrecruit.com.au
Have your say as a guest blogger!
We're calling all story-tellers, creative minds and ranters
& ravers, we would love to invite you to be a guest blogger for
our newsletter!
If you're keen, please email or phone
(0402 330 142) Michael to discuss.
Happy writing!