8 September 2015
Bogan's Rant - With Michael McShane - September 2015
Diggers & Dealers opened my eyes - I think I had a moment of
clarity in-between frothies! It was brief, but it was a moment!
We're a passionate industry, involving motivated individuals,
genuine and sincere professionals who want to make a
More times than I recall over 3 days at the conference, I
described my situation, my distaste to recent dealings with some
HR, screening processes, Contracts depts., underhanded and
manipulative behaviours, candidates hired behind our back that we
had introduced not long prior etc etc,…..ad infinitum………...
I almost decided that I was over it all………
Am I struggling in the current market? Yes! Aren't many of us!?
Why polish a turd. Do I want out? Often. What else would I do after
~20 years being involved in the best and most innovative, exciting,
dynamic and supportive industry in the world? I could set up a
bright, warm lighting system in my roof cavity? An option and it's
good to have options! After all, it will compliment the pill press
operating 24/7 in the basement!
What's the solution?
I can keep doing business development until I annoy people, go
blue in the face and blow a gasket! It's what I learnt and was
trained to do in my early recruitment days! Did I enjoy it? Nope.
I'd rather lick a pool of vomit out of a urinal! This volume based
model works, but is flawed. Why? They forget the "human" element.
People don't like to be nagged - it sends them apoplectic!. They
don't appreciate BD days where staff are incentivised to win a bag
of lollies for making the most phone calls.
But, as I said, the model works as you are always "there", front
of mind.
Damned if you do, damned if you don't.
Can I flush out people? You betcha. Better than anyone else in
my game. People keep telling me that, so I've started to believe
it. Candidates trust me, Clients trust me, I work on both behalves
and genuinely give a sh*t.
Take internal "HR" as another example and their capacity to
Recruit. Wait, let's preface what I am about to write by stating
that many HR professionals are good friends of mine, so this isn't
personal. Just the facts, ok……….
Recruitment is an externally
focussed discipline where the hiring company is competing to
attract the best talent. |
HR is an
internal function that focuses on administration and
compliance surrounding things like policies, procedures, payroll
admin, employee records etc - basically things that are aimed at
keeping your current, previous and potential employees from suing
you! |
The mindset and skills of someone who is predominantly thinking
about following and creating rules and working internally within
the business, does not remotely fit the mindset required of someone
to succeed, working externally, in your recruitment.
Would you get an Accountant to recruit for mining professionals?
So why put HR in charge of your talent acquisition? Just
A comedian at the D&D conference (an outsider to the mining
industry) said he has never heard people talk about millions and
billions so loosely, yet a client declines recruitment services as
they don't want to pay an agency fee, yet they desperately need to
hire the best person for the job. It gets right under my grill……Can
they do it (well) themselves? Hell no!!! Rarely.
Do they work all day, every day talking to people in the
industry? Nope. But I do.
What is it worth to you to hire the right person?
Call me. Let's negotiate - let me do all of your
Leave HR to HR and leave the recruitment to a professional who
is networked externally on a daily basis, who will flush out and
place people who will add value to your business.
Want to hire me for a set period to recruit for a campaign?
Let's set a rate and I'll drop everything for your business. An
interesting thing happens when you sign up exclusively with a
recruitment agent - you get delivered a service! Go out to 3, 4, 5+
agencies and your service gets diluted to that ratio!! Human nature
-where is the best opportunity to fill these roles? My time is
valuable - so is yours. Where would you devote your undivided
attention and efforts? Into someone who leaves it all up to you, or
someone who goes out to 4 others under the delusional impression
it'll increase their chances?!!
Want someone who can work as an extension to your business,
promote your business, embrace your business and look to understand
all of the drivers, culture and requirements - after all, who wants
to hire a muppet who might be wrong technically/culturally? Your
MD/CEO talked in their presentation in tens/hundreds of millions,
yet many clients are trying to save thousands on a recruitment fee,
for someone who could (and likely will) make you
millions................counter intuitive?
A company is successful because of the people & culture
There are other ways to save money than scrimp on your
recruitment, or eliminate the Nescafe Caters Blend instant coffee
tins from site smoko rooms………
Take your head out of you're a*se, it's not a hat!
Maybe I'm not quite ready to quit, yet…………….?
Bogan's Pet Hate:Seek ads that state, "only
successful applicants will be contacted" - really? Cop out. Want
your company to generate a great reputation? Let people know - give
them closure.