Are you hunting for Talent?
Below is a sample of the current
active and passive candidates we are working with to hunt for and
secure their next ideal positions.
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comprehensive list of our active and passive candidates, please sign up to our newsletter,
we send this every 6 weeks.
General / Ops Managers x 3
- Extensive management - all holding Stat tickets
- Client / Contractor
- U/G and open pit experience
To find out more about these candidates contact
Michael McShane
or (07) 3910 0011
GM / Mine Managers (Coal) x 5
- Senior management candidates
- Well qualified and experience SSE / 1st class tickets
To find out more about these candidates contact
Michael McShane
or (07) 3910 0011
UG & Mine Managers x 5
- 12-25+ years U/G experience
- All 1st Class tickets
- Various commodities in WA, SA, NT & Expat
To find out more about these candidates contact
Michael McShane
or (07) 3910 0011
Tech Services / Mine Planning Manager x 4
- 20+ years experience
- Varied U/G and open pit
- Multi-commodity and mining mothods
- Aussie technical gurus
To find out more about these candidates contact
Michael McShane
or (07) 3910 0011
Principal Mining Engineer / Mine Planning Manager UG
- Highly qualified technical
- Both hardrock and coal experience underground
To find out more about these candidates contact
Michael McShane
or (07) 3910 0011
UG Deputy / Undermanager
- Great candidate NSW
- 1st Class stat ticket
- Looking for new challenge to expand experience
To find out more about these candidates contact
Michael McShane
or (07) 3910 0011
Longwall Superintendent x 2
- 1 from maintenance background
- 1 from production background
- both exceptional experience
To find out more about these candidates contact
Michael McShane
or (07) 3910 0011
Senior Drill & Blast Engineers x 5
- Exceptional D&B candidates
- A range of capabilities and experience
To find out more about these candidates contact
Michael McShane
or (07) 3910 0011
Mining Engineer x 3
- 4, 5 & 7 years U/G & open pit experience covering prac
time, production and planning
- All passively on the hunt!
To find out more about these candidates contact
Michael McShane
or (07) 3910 0011
Geology Managers / Geo Superintendents x 3
- 18+ years experience Aussies
- Multi-commodity
- Open pit / project gen / resource / UG Gurus
- Perth FIFO - Highly rated!
To find out more about these candidates contact
Michael McShane
or (07) 3910 0011
Senior / Principal Resource Geologist x 4
- 10-20+ years experience
- Multi-commodity Resource Geo's
- Post Grad in Geostats
- Varied software Gurus!
To find out more about these candidates contact
Michael McShane
or (07) 3910 0011
Senior Geotech & Geotech Engineers x 8+
- 5-18+ years experience U/G Geotechnical Engineers
- Currently Employed - passive candidates
- Looking for new challenges
To find out more about these candidates contact
Michael McShane
or (07) 3910 0011
Mine Geologists
- Geologist with experience across the board exploration mining
both open pit & U/G
- Happy to relocate or FIFO
To find out more about this candidate contact
Michael McShane
or (07) 3910 0011
Metallurgy Manager / Principal / Senior Metallurgist
- Great candidate with tertiary qualifications
- Varied commodity experience across the board
To find out more about these candidates contact
Michael McShane
or (07) 3910 0011
Process Engineers / Senior / Principal
- Process Engineers diverse experience
- Various commodities, coal, hard rock
To find out more about these candidates contact
Michael McShane
or (07) 3910 0011
UG Surveyor / Senior Surveyor / Geotech
- 20+ years experience U/G Coal
- Stat tickets both QLD & NSW
- Senior Surveyor plus Geotech
To find out more about these candidates contact
Michael McShane
or (07) 3910 0011